

East Cheshire Deaf Children's Society


East Cheshire Deaf Children's Society is a well established local charity run by parents of deaf children. The aims of the group are varied.

  • We fund raise so we can organise regular social activities throughout the year that enable deaf children and their families from all over Cheshire to get together. Families can socialise, share experiences and have fun all at the same time. Recent events include trips to Chester Zoo, Lunch at Tatton Park, Bowling and Roller Blading sessions.
  • We also fund conferences that can inform families about new developments and initiatives in the world of deaf education and technology.
  • We subsidise parent groups for pre school deaf children and for deaf children with additional difficulties. These groups are run by our education colleagues.
  • The Society responds to individual requests for funding where we can.
  • We also act as a lobbying and advocacy group for deaf children within Cheshire.

Registered Charity Number- 504603

Area covered: